In the passing of a loved one, every human being across any culture or religion feels a sense of pain. In that moment, we look back on ourselves and ask, What have we done? What are we doing? And what do we plan to accomplish? The past, the present, and the future. Out of all natural phenomenon, the cycle of death and its effects act as one of strongest ways that a person realizes time. Within this project, I have created a space of mourning and remembrance in a means of allowing people to let go of the pain that they feel and move on into the future from the present. Within my building, I have divided the space into what I consider the three universal stages of mourning. Grief,
Reflection, and Release.
Reflection, and Release.

Created with Revit, VRay Rendering Software, and Photoshop.

Created with Revit, SketchUp, VRay Rendering Software, and Photoshop.
GRIEF_The first stage acts as the arrival to the building and the luggage that comes with this arrival. In these spaces people can remember their loved ones that they have lost and think about the past that they shared with this person. As the promenade continues throughout the space the ceiling lifts as a physical representation of the weight being lifted of their shoulders. Walking further along their journey, the lights fade away until they are left with a single light of what has past. Their only option is to move forward.

Created with Revit, SketchUp, VRay Rendering Software, and Photoshop.
REFLECTION_As they push past what is already gone, they begin to look back at themselves and what they would like to accomplish in their lives. Have they lived to their full potential? Within this space, the architecture opens up to the sky within the center of cape split. In this state of contemplation, the people will not be focused on the architecture, but instead on their inner reflection. In being minimalistic, this space allows the true architecture to be built of these memories.

Created with Revit, SketchUp, VRay Rendering Software, and Photoshop.
RELEASE__In the final stage, the architecture is brought back to human scale as they look towards letting go and moving on towards their future. As they walk down the path and above the water, they can look upon the soothing nature of the waves and allow themselves to look towards the brightness that stands in front of them. Lining this pathway are pillars with shelves of a sort. These spaces act as a place to leave a token of the past before leaving the structure. Over time as the rising tides crash upon these pillars, they slowly deteriorate, fading away just as the grief and pain of these lost ones will as well.

Created with Revit, SketchUp, VRay Rendering Software, and Photoshop.

Created with Revit, SketchUp, VRay Rendering Software, and Photoshop.

Created with Revit, SketchUp, VRay Rendering Software, and Photoshop.