What will today’s city look like in the future? How will society evolve?
Within this studio class, we looked at the city of Savannah and what it may look like in 2050. Using ESRI analysis software, we created a base for our future city of Savannah and then implemented design decisions through this data.
This 10 week studio project was a group effort of both myself and Alberto Arostegui Thomen.
Flooding_ The 2050 floodline within Savannah due to climate change will displace hundreds of people, the highway will no longer be usable and the city will become disconnected from the world. These issues ignited our design goals.
Green Spaces and Vacant Lots_Pushing further in our research, we found maps of the vacant lots and green spaces currently through Savannah and then thought about how we could begin to eliminate the need for cars through the city if we began to connect these spaces together.
Walkability_On average, a person will only walk 10 minutes to a destination.
Through implementing design on the vacant lots and creating a 10 minute walking radius around these sites and the cities green spaces, the city would become
Programming on Vacant Lots_ With the displacement of so many different elements of society, a system needed to be created to allow for the rebuilding of community. Taking the same idea of the 10 minute walking distance and applying that to the pieces of community (housing, community centers, worship space, schools, health care, etc.) from each of these sites, the ideal programming could be implemented to strengthen the city.
Modularity_ With so many different needs within the city, design needed to be modular and a grid system that allowed for growth needed to be implemented.
We first looked at the history of this site in means of looking towards the future. The site once being a plantation, a train station, a cultural hub, and currently an onramp into the city.
The HUB_2050_ With any city there is always a cultural hub that is evolving and changing. After looking at the data of the proposed economic zones through Savannah and the vacant lot at the current onramp for the city became the ideal location for the HUB_2050 to form.
The HUB consist of housing for the displaced, the station for the commuter rail, marketplace, agricultural center and base for resource distribution to vacant lots and establishments through city.
All of this is implemented through use of UPCYCLING.
Housing Sector_
Using modular design, the multi- and single family housing is allowed to grow with connection into the resource distribution system. Truly creating a community as the pieces of society are put together in a need by need basis.
Community Connector_
In upcycling the existing onramp of Savannah into both an amphitheater space and walkable park space, the evolving culture of Savannah can culminate within the HUB_2050.
Agricultural Center_
With rising sea levels there will be less space for air pollution to go, creating denser smog throughout the world. With these changes, fast-food chains will begin to fade away. Instead agricultural centers will arise for produce to be created for population with low carbon footprint.
Fields are implemented for local produce. Allows jobs to be given to members of community.
A.M.S (Agriculture Moving System) is used to transport goods to distribution center.
Hydroponic Greenhouse Modules are used for non-local produce. They recycle runoff from from fields to use nutrients and minerals from soil.
Distribution Center_ Organizes and filters produce and items into both the cities Resource Distribution System and the marketplace.
Market Place_
Community modules (restaurants, cafes, produce stands, bike shops, public bathrooms, etc.) build up around agricultural center and are connected through the resource distribution center. Because these pods are designed within the grid, continual growth is possible.
Vacant Lot_
An example of what could be implemented within any vacant lot throughout the city, this site provides the missing pieces of community (housing, community centers, worship space, schools, health care, etc) within the 10 minute walking distance leading to the strengthening Savannah.
Resource Pods_ Orders and produce would be picked up at Resource Pods. These pods would create a need to come to the current vacant lots in the future. Growth of the city can be predicted around these hubs
The R.D.S. (Resource Distribution System) would be responsible for the delivery of items to sites.
R.D.S. (Resource Distribution System)_
This system allows for items, produce and everyday needs to be transported through the city. Initially implemented on the current telephone poles through the city, this system allows for the transition of the city overtime. Based off of the technology currently used within Amazon Warehouses, it would allow for goods to be tracked through the city and allow for emergency delivery in disaster scenarios.
Utilities could be risen out of ground to allow for easy repair and defense towards
the continual issue of flooding.
Growth through Change_Through beginning to implement changes throughout society, we allow for the growth of the cities that we live in and the capability of growth for future generations.